Thursday, May 31, 2012

Batu Permata Mengikut Bulan Lahir

Saya berminat pada batu permata nie sejak arwah ayah saya memberi kepada saya sebutir batu delima. Batu tu masih berada dalam simpanan saya. Dah lama saya ingin nak ikat pada cincin, tapi masih belum kesampaian. Macam sayang nak buat cincin sebab batu tu original dan sangat cantik warna. Merah nya memang hitam pekat. Orang kata itu batu delima dari Afrika. Batu delima dari Afrika ini tidak lah semahal batu delima dari Burma. 

Sekarang ini saya ada beberapa koleksi cincin samada yang dari jenis batu yang berharga mahal saperti Zamrud, Delima, Akid. Sekarang ni saya sedang nak membeli batu Garnet ( batu merah yang macam delima ) sebab batu ni adalah batu bulan kelahiran saya. ( Bulan Januari ). Bercakap tentang batu permata mengikut bulan kelahiran, di bawah ini saya berikan senarai nya. Kebiasaan nya orang di sebelah barat yang selalu membeli batu permata mengikut bulan kelahiran mereka. Berbeda dengan orang melayu (Asia ) yang lebih kepada batu akid,  sementara orang cina lebih suka memiliki batu jed. Tapi bagi saya, saya lebih suka kepada batu2 permata Delima & Zamrud. Walaupun harga nya mahal, tapi saya puas hati sebab dapat memiliki batu permata idaman saya.

Bulan kelahiran - Jenis Permata

Januari - Garnet/Garnet
Februari - Kecubong/Amethst
Mac - Aquamarine atau Bloodstone
April - Berlian/Diamond
May - Zamrud/Emerald
Jun - Mutiara, Batu bulan, Alex /Pearl,Moonstone,Alexandrite
Julai - Delima/Ruby
Ogos - Zabarjad/Peridot
September - Nilam/Sapphire
Oktober - Opal/Opal @ Pink Tourmaline 
November - Topez?Topez @ Cempaka/Citrine
Disember - Firuz/Turquoise @ Zirkon/Zircon

 Batu Delima milik saya




This year.........         
We celebrate Hari Ibu di Medan.....

Salah satu yang best pergi trip ke Indonesia ni ialah makanan nya. Macam trip kami ke Medan tempuhari. Makanan yang sedap & murah menjadi tumpuan kami semua. U all try le minum juice dari buah yang segar, memang tak mendukacita & menghampakan langsung. Best gilerrrrrrr. Ini adalah sebahagian dari tempat makan yang kami kunjungi. Samada di Hotel, Restoren maupun gerai........

Tak sabar nak makan burung puyuh goreng walaupun
makanan lain belum habis di hantar

Tin tin, tong tong dll. Tapi hakikat nya ialah adalah kacang tumbuk.
Kat Malaysia pun berlambak...hahahaha

Makan malam di Parapat
Syamil bz dengan FB nyer...

Breakfast at Parapat
Back ground is Samosir Island

Makan tengahari sebelum berangkat ke Berastagi

Minum bandrek ( minuman herba ) di atas bukit di Semarajujung
Pasar buah di Berastagi
( segar & murah )

Makan jagung sebelum makan malam
( lapik perut sebab dah lapar )

Breakfast at Berastagi
( anak2 oder western... so lambat le sikit )

Dinner at Medan

Balik dari Medan....
Berat badan naek 3.8kg...huwaaaaaaaa

Wedding @ Casa Ombak

Me & wife went to a fren's wedding at Casa Ombak on 19/05/2012

Nasrah & Dino

 Loving Couple
Semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat....

Dinner Time

All at same age
( but me look smarter....hahahaa )

Pengantin & kekawan
( Akma terover acting le plk or nak show jam baru )


Staff BKB yang paling awal sampai
Boleh lepak2 kat bilek belakang lagi.
Kami ucapkan 'TAHNIAH' kepada kedua pengantin.
Semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

APC RISDA... 2012


Tahniah gak!!!!!!

Comel nyerrrrrr
Menunggu giliran untuk ambil sijil APC

 Penerima APC 2012

The ladies of BKB

 Penerima APC dari BKB wif their Pengarah


 My wife
 Kak Ning dengan bidadari dari bumi...
Merahhhhhh nyerrrrrr!!!!

 APC terakhir sebagai Pengarah
Maybe next year datang ke APC sebagai CEO lak
( siapa tahu kan...huhuhu )

 Orang di belakang tabir
( Tanpa kami mungkin tak selancar nie & photo yang menarik pun tak der kan...)

Tumpang sekaki....heheheeheeee

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Medan Trip Wif Family... 11/05/2012

 Arriving at Polonia Airport, Medan

 Pintu Masuk Medan

 1st Timer ( naek plane )

 Depan Istana Maimoon wif local kindergarden kids...
Yang best nyer bdk depan kiri blh tanya saya... " Awak Orang India Yerrr?"
De rupa orang India ke aku nie???
Rupa2 nyer dia budak India ( a very rare thing/race in Medan)

 Anak bujang ku memang bergaya sakan...

 At Simarajunjung ( hope the spelling is right )

 Aksi orang lapo... ( belum breakfast lgi..huhuhu)

 Horas.... Along & Wife

 Moyang nyer orang Jawa dari Jogja...
So de mirip2 Jawa x?

 Singahsana Istana Maimon

Kecian die... Tetiba muntah2 n cirit birit
Nasib baik dah tiba Medan... if kat Parapat or Berastagi lagi susah kan...

............. more to come
Stay tune.... 


Apa itu frenship (friendship)?? Adakah hanya sekadar hanya kawan biasa atau ada yang lebih special dari kawan biasa. Persoalan yang selalu di katakan oleh mereka yang biasa dengan ayat frenship. Pada mereka frenship adalah sesuatu persahabatan yang istimewa di kalangan sahabat2 yang lain. Kawan yang boleh di ajak berbincang dan akan menyimpan segala rahsia kita apabila kita share dengan mereka. Betul ker???
Pada saya frenship tu adalah sesuatu persahabatan, tak kira lah ia nya kawan biasa, kawan sepejabat, kawan belajar, kawan rapat or jest a normal fren. Bila terjalin persahabatan, maka itu lah friendship. Yang rakan rakan keliru tu ialah rakan rapat or sahabat baik yang kadangkala melebihi adik beradik sendiri. Segala masalah di kongsi bersama. Suka duka, baik buruk akan di pikul bersama. Rahsia tetap di pegang walau hingga akhir nyawa. Tidak akan mugkir janji walaupun di kala itu hubungan telah semakin renggang. Tidak akan menceritakan keburukkan sahabat nya itu, walaupun hati telah di sakiti. Tapi masalah nya.... Adakah sahabat yang bergitu di zaman ini????
Pada saya ada... tpi amat kurang. Baik yang perempuan or even lelaki. Yang lain tu ada kurang sikit. Ramai yang akan kata..mana mungkin!!!!!... tapi hakikat nya emang ada ler. Mereka ini memang menjaga persahabatan, walaupun telah ada perselisihan faham. Bila bercerita atau bersembang tidak pernah keluarkan perkara perkara yang buruk tentang sahabat nye itu. Tidak juga memuji sahabat nye itu walaupun kita tahu dia dah tidak sebulu dengan gang nyer itu. Bila kita tnya, dia akan ckp tidak tau dan akan mengalih ke topik lain. Saya sungguh respect orang macam ini, saperti mana saya respect budak seorang ni.
Budak perempuan ini memang baik, baik dari tuturkata nya, sopan santun, tidak mengambil tahu hal orang lain walaupun ada sekelompok kawan yang lain rancak mengata kawan2 mereka. Tpi dia tidak join langsung. Kadang2 sikap pemdiam nyer yang membuat orang lain beranggapan dia amat sombong...

So.... memang masih ada orang yang amat baik dlam dunia ini.

To Those Who Really Need To Read....

If your love one is showing ONE of the sign below... don't's time to move on...

Sign that it could be over 1: Incompatible goals for the future

They say that opposites attract, but when you want children and your other half panics at the mere mention of parenthood, or your partner wants to immigrate to another country and you want to stay put, this kind of opposition can cause a problem. Whilst it's possible to work through such mis-matched goals and reach a fair agreement that both parties are happy with, sometimes it's hard to do that without thwarting your – or your partner's – dreams. Perhaps the most unhealthy thing you could do to your relationship at this point is try to persuade one another to sacrifice future plans in order for you to stay together. Not only is this selfish, but more often than not it leads to feelings of resentment between you and your other half, which often results in a break-up anyway. If there's no compromise and you feel as though your plans for the future are being jeopardised, it's probably best to part ways for the sake of your freedom and happiness.

Sign that it could be over 2: Sneaking around

The key to a great relationship is honesty and trust, so if your partner is sneaking around then it defeats the object of being in an intimate relationship and you need to tackle the problem head on. Go about it carefully though; following him/her into town to 'catch them in the act' only to find that they were purchasing your surprise birthday present could lead to all sorts of complications, and you don't want to risk being the embarrassed guilty party. Instead, it's a good idea to communicate with a secretive partner to make it clear that you've noticed they're up to something and you're offended that they couldn't talk to you about it. If you still feel like your other half is up to something, it might be a good idea to call it a day on your relationship as the trust barrier has clearly been broken.

Unhappy couple after an argument

Sign that it could be over 3: No special gestures

After weeks or months of being wooed by your other half in the early stages of a relationship, when the dust begins to settle it can feel as though Cupid has disappeared off the face of the earth and suddenly you're stuck in a relationship rut. We're not expecting to be swept off our feet and taken away to an exotic island to be showered in expensive gifts, but many couples often lose sight of the small romantic gestures that make the relationship feel that bit more special. If special gestures are sparse in your romance, this by no means suggests that it's over; you may just need to make a little more effort to be romantic – suggest more things to do together and the problem should be resolved in no time. However, if after a conversation you realise that all romantic gestures have stopped because you no longer feel as strongly for your partner as you once did, this is a sign that your relationship should come to an end.

Sign that it could be over 4: You can't seem to leave the past in the past

Relationships where the past can't seem to be left where it belongs are often a recipe for disaster. If you're having an argument, respond appropriately to what is happening here and now, not what happened six weeks ago. Granted – past issues can cause an underlying problem in the relationship if they are never spoken about, but once a problem has been addressed it's time to move on from it. It's a common deal-breaker in relationships to keep bringing up past issues during an argument to use as ammunition against your other half. If you can't learn to forgive and forget – or your partner can't learn to forgive and forget a mistake that you have made – then it might be time to cut all ties and start afresh.

Sign that it could be over 5: You're constantly bickering

Arguing is a natural way to get things off your chest and emphasise what's upsetting or annoying you to improve your relationship in the long-run, but when things have soured to the point that you spend more of your time arguing than not, it's often time to raise the red flag. Healthy relationships are about having good conversations and being happy when you're around your other half, not constantly being surrounded by negativity and feeling angry or upset. Don't be tempted to stick together when all you do is fight; as easy as this is to do, you will end up feeling even more miserable in the long run.